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How can I Buy?
To place an order please follow the steps given below:
1. Select the product you would like to buy
2. Select the preferred color & size then click on “ADD TO CART” product will be added to cart
3. You need to open the CART page from the right top of the website. There will be an option below to Checkout
3. Once you reach Checkout page, Fill your address and contact details & Select Proceed to PayPal from the bottom of page.
4. Once you reach Paypal page, you can either select Paypal Login to pay OR Pay with Credit/Debit Card.
5. You need to provide your information about payment to complete the process of order.
6. Once your payment is done, your order will be created and you will be notified through same screen message, email & text messages.
I need wholesale price!
Our website is designed for wholesale as well as retail customers. The more you buy, the more you will save in shipping cost. Add the item you want to the cart, then open the cart. There will be an option below to calculate shipping cost. There you will get your final total.
You can check below given wholesale chart to know the calculation of wholesale offer!
When i am going to receive my Order?
To track your order, Please login to your account and go to “My Orders” and click on the Order number to check the order details.
I need help in Size. Which size should I choose?
We have used standard sizes for USA/EUROPE. Still you can see our size chart below to know more information on sizes.
- Adult Size Chart
- Kids Size Chart
- Shoe Size Chart
If still you are unable to find your size, then you can select any sizes from the size option then while doing checkout, you can write your measurement in the CUSTOMER NOTE available in the checkout page.
How can I trust you, you are guys not scam?
You can check our customer’s review at our website to know more about us.
Where are you located? Do you have any representative available here?
African Boutique’s Head Office is located in India.
Nope, we done have any branches or representative anywhere. We only have online store at
We have wide range of customers from worldwide, because we have no limits. We deliver wherever you demands.
How can i Cancel the Order?
- You may cancel your order by emailing us at [email protected] within 24 hours
- Approval of cancellation depends upon the reason we get from you.
- If cancellation information is received by email within 24 hours and upon approval, there will be cancellation charges of 50$ or 50% of the order value, whichever is higher.
- Once your order is being cancelled, you will be refunded within 24 hours to your account.
- Cancellation of order is not allowed after 24 hours of order placed.
How can i contact Customer Care Service?
Our customer care team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please click the link to get in touch with us:
How long it will take for delivery?
It usually takes 7 working days for delivery to your doorstep. Our Delivery process includes:
How much is the shipping?
Add the item you want to the cart, then open the cart. There will be an option below to calculate shipping cost.
Can you delivery to my Country?
Yes of-course, we do worldwide delivery. Please Click Here to check the list of countries to which we are providing our goods for now.
Which shipping company do you use?
DHL/ UPS Express – Best Worldwide Shipping in Short Period than others
Why I have to pay to additional money to delivery boy, because I have paid the shipping fees already to u?
Nope, That’s not the shipping cost, you can verify with them. That might be the custom duty applied by your country. You can also check our shipping policy at
How can I make the payment?
You can pay through Paypal, Credit Card or Debit Card. We also accept Western union or Moneygram.
How to pay with Paypal?
Add the item you want to the cart, then open the cart. There will be an option below to checkout, click on that and it will take you to checkout page and there it will give you an option to pay with Paypal
How to pay with Visa/Master Card?
You can select Paypal during checkout, later it will take you to paypal page, there it will give you an option to pay with Card.
Note: Please try to provide shipping address as same as the billing address, name, contact number and email address as given to your bank while applying for card. Any information mismatches will not allow you to complete the transaction. So please recheck it before you proceed further.
How to pay with Western Union or Moneygram?
Please follow the steps to pay with Western Union or Moneygram.
- Add the item you want to the cart, then open the cart. There will be an option below to checkout.
- Once you reach checkout page, there will be Paypal as a Payment method, leave it like that and click on Proceed to Paypal.
- Once you reach Paypal page, wait for the page to load. Once its done just get back to our website by clicking on the back button on device you using.
- Then you need to send us an email at [email protected] with your full name and stating that you want to pay with Western Union or Moneygram.
- Once we receive your email, we will forward you details for western union or moneygram along with the invoice copy of the order you wanted to place.
- Then you can send us the money, after you do it. Please send the MTCN Code/Copy of Receipt back to us on the same email address.
- Once we receive it, we will process your order and will be delivered to you as given estimated delivery date during the checkout page.
I am disappointed with my order. How can I return it?
Products can be returned within the period specified & term mentioned in Return Policy at
To request return – Please write us an email at [email protected] stating your issue along with your Order ID, our team will help you within 24 hours.